Hanoi Train Street

Hanoi Train Street, a unique check-in spot in Vietnam

Hanoi Train Street, also known as 'Railway neighborhood' is located in the Kham Thien, Le Duan, and Phung Hung areas of Hanoi. It is an old neighborhood with a railway line running right in front of people's houses. This unique and famous destination attracts many visitors, both local and international, who come to check in and experience it.

Hanoi Train Street can be considered a unique feature that travelers visiting Hanoi often experience. This area is not for cars; only pedestrians, bicycles, motorbikes, and trains are allowed. Due to the narrow space, residents' daily activities occur right outside and even on the railway tracks, such as drying clothes, cooking, and washing dishes. All activities take place within the railway safety corridor.

The distance from the houses to the train tracks is only about 1 meter, making many people feel that living there is risky. However, this very risk adds to the attraction and appeal for visitors, especially foreign tourists.

Train Street was featured in the UK's Daily Mail in April 2014. Since then, this location has become a very popular 'check-in' spot for tourists visiting Hanoi.

Train is comming through Hanoi train street

On TripAdvisor, Hanoi Train Street is ranked second out of 107 interesting attractions in Hanoi. Visitors checking in at Train Street both during the day and at night have incredibly exciting and thrilling experiences, eagerly waiting for the moment when the train rushes by just inches away. Checking in at Train Street, visitors not only enjoy the excitement of waiting for the train to pass but also get to explore the rhythm of life of the local people, discovering the interesting and surprising aspects of the area.

Suggestions for the Best Times to Explore Hanoi Train Street

The curved sections of the railway crossing through the old quarter attract many international tourists for sightseeing and experiences. Many foreign visitors start their journey at the narrow railway sections at the intersections of Dien Bien Phu Street or Phung Hung Street, and end their visit at Phung Hung Street with unique inspirations.

During the day, there are very few trains passing by, so tourists can walk around and explore the hidden spaces and small streets to experience the local life in the most authentic way. In the evening, sightseeing activities stop, and people begin to sit, enjoy the view of Hanoi Train Street, and savor food and drinks.

With its uniqueness, Hanoi Train Street has become one of the must-visit destinations in Hanoi. Visitors can take impressive photos while checking in at this spot. Although warned about the dangers of visiting and walking on the tracks, Hanoi Train Street still has a strong allure. Tourists from many places remain curious and come to experience this intriguing corner of Hanoi. However, please be mindful of your safety, stay alert while exploring, and ensure a meaningful and safe experience!

Enjoy Coffee and Delicious Drinks at Hanoi Train Street

Enjoy coffee along the railway at hanoi train street

Along the railway, locals have opened small cafes to serve visitors. Some popular ones like Coffee Đường Tàu and Indochina Station Cafe attract many people for check-ins. There are also small refreshment stalls and a few stools where tourists can sit and enjoy the view of the street.

The charming houses and small cafes lined up along the railway create a unique appeal for travelers. Schedules of the train are posted for both locals and visitors to know when to watch the train pass or to be cautious when crossing the tracks to ensure safety. Most trains run at night and early morning, so during the day, this area becomes a spot to enjoy coffee and other drinks right on the tracks.

This fascinates many visitors. They find that sitting with a delicious coffee on the railway or taking photos on the tracks is an exciting and enjoyable experience. Tourists love the old houses nestled beside the tracks, where the simple rhythm of daily life and rich Eastern cultural elements come together.